Student Spotlight
Congratulations to Chia-Yi!

VIS Breaking News!!

VIS G12 student, Chia-Yi Ho participated in the National Formosa Solo Dance Competition last weekend and won third place~ Well done Jiayi 

VIS is proud when our students succeed outside of school, which brings us pride and joy! Way to represent VIS!!!


G12 Chia-Yi Ho 同學上週末參加全國福爾摩沙舞蹈大賽獲得第三名的佳績~

#VIS #國際實驗教育 #高中部 #全國芭蕾舞大賽第三名 #獲獎 #適性發展 #才華洋溢 #在自己喜歡的領域中發光發熱實現夢想是最開心的事