Junior High

As a transition from primary education to senior education, during the two years (Grade 7 and Grade 8) at VIS Junior High Section, we provide a holistic education that develops the souls and minds of the students. We hope our students become passionate learners who live up to their full potential and achieve academic excellence.

At VIS Junior high, we provide comprehensive pastoral care for our students to face the rapid physical and emotional changes they experience during this critical developmental phase. Under the guidance of our teachers, the students will learn how to express their views and control their emotions through respect, empathy, and responsibility during these two crucial years.

Academically, while we emphasize the importance of language and mathematical abilities, we also emphasize information and communication technology” (ICT) to prepare our students to cope with technological changes in the 21st century. Last but not least, through our Project/ Problem based learning (PBL), our students can exercise their soft skills, such as creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication, to transit smoothly to the VIS Senior School Section.

Give the students something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results.” John Dewey

At VIS Junior High Section, as stated in the quote above, we believe that learning is not only about memorizing texts from the textbook or doing examination practices. Learning results from experience; hence we created a learning atmosphere that encourages the students to learn by doing and appreciates efforts. Besides implementing the VIS teaching philosophy (Locally Cooperative Learning, Critical Thinking, Internationally Minded, Global Citizen), we aim to develop our students into confident and courageous learners.  We want our students to step out of their comfort zone and go boldly where no man has gone before.”




在這兩年,我們希望持續增進學生英文及數學等基礎學科能力。同時也安排科技課程,奠定學生對於『資訊與通信科技』(Information and Communication Technology, 簡稱ICT) 的了解。更透過『項目及問題導向學習』(Project/Problem based learining,  簡稱PBL)  為核心的學習規劃,鍛鍊創造力、批判性思考、解決複雜問題、團隊合作以及有效溝通等軟實力,順利銜接VIS高中部的課程。

「給予學生學習任務,而不是教材;學習任務能引發學生思考,學習就在此刻自然地發生了。」 ─約翰·杜威
