Window to the World


The focus of the VIS senior project for spring 2021 is the students themselves and will culminate personal reflections, experiences, and life lessons within a comprehensive and polished magazine. The in-depth work will revolve around the essential question: What can I learn that I haven’t already learned in school that will launch me into the life I want to live? This broad-ranging question covers a spectrum of topics such as identity, goals, finance, passion, and how one fits into the future world. It will be a tangible piece that offers a look at their individual selves and their classmates and will serve as a look at their high school transformation, yearbook, and future guide. 

Project Goals

The 3 phases


Weekly 'Magazine Friday' where we work on magazine production by condensing our work into magazine form and class deliverables. This is where students can have more defined roles e.g editor, writers, etc.