2024 PBL Exhibition

2024 - 2025 PBL Exhibition

VISible - G9

#VISible #Change #better #future #planet

#校園環保 #永續 #VIS #PBL成果展 #六月一號

VISible Change is challenging students to make VIS more sustainable! To tackle this problem, students are drafting policies, gathering support, investigating, interviewing, filming, and evaluating to deliver actionable solutions.

Our goal is to help create a better future today and a healthier planet for tomorrow.

VISible Change 專案希望學生正視 #校園環保與永續發展議題。為提倡環保與永續的問題,學生們提出了方案、獲得支持與建議、進行調查和訪談、拍攝與評估等,以提供可行的解決方法。



#G10 #PBL #Exhibition #ethical #environmental

#道德與環境 #PBL成果展 #華山 #六月一號 #VIS

This semester, PBL G10A is raising individuals' #awareness of ethical and environmental concerns through projects. Our groups have developed potential #solutions to the moral and ecological problems we face as a community. We believe that if we can take action, we can build a better future for all of us. Come see what we’ve been up to!

本學期,我們透過多個專案來提高大家對道德和環境問題的意識與重視。每個小組皆針對這些問題提出了解決方案。希望由我們帶領大家,提高大眾對此 #議題 的重視。


How do your ethical eating values drive your food choices- G10B

This semester, Grade 10B tackled the question “How do your ethical eating values drive your food choices?” and explored the connection to “Whose life is more valuable?” We made connections between our perceived ethical food choices and our eating habits as the foundation of our project. In class, we focused on the connection between these values and how they impact our lives. Come and see our results as we showcase our #EthicalWorld, #PublicServiceAnnouncement (#PSA), and #EthicalLunchBox projects.

本學期,10年級的 #EthicalFoodChoices 專案探討「#道德的飲食價值觀如何影響你對於食品的選擇」,及其與 #PBL 主題「#誰的生命更有價值」之間的關聯。專案基於學生們認知的道德飲食選擇與飲食習慣。在課堂上,同學們著重研究這些價值觀之間的關聯以及如何影響我們的生活。

歡迎來看我們的專案成果,我們將展示學生們研究出的 #道德飲食、專案的 #公共聲明 (#PSA) 以及符合道德飲食標準的 #午餐專案。


VISYCLE  is a student-led project to set up a compost program at VIS to compost the school's #organic food waste.

By making our consumption of food more responsible, we hope to raise awareness and build a more sustainable community for the #future!

由學生主導的專案 VISYCLE

旨在 VIS 校園建立一個 #堆肥計劃,處理學校的 #有機廚餘。希望大幅減少學校的食物浪費並讓同學們重視此議題,為我們的學校和地球做出貢獻!

Let's Clear the Air - G11A

Let's Clear the Air is a VIS student-led initiative using #atmospheric chemistry & #geography to combat air #pollution. Project aims to understand pollutant sources, map hotspots, and develop solutions. Through field studies, modeling, and community engagement, we seek to reduce emissions and raise awareness. By collaborating with experts and advocating for change, we aim to create a cleaner, healthier environment for all. Join us to tackle air pollution and make a positive impact on our planet.

Let’s Clear the Air 是由VIS高中學生主導的專案,運用 #大氣化學 和 #地理學來減緩空氣污染。

在了解污染源後,我們繪製了 #污染熱點地圖,並提出了創新的解決方案。

透過 #實地考察與研究、模擬以及 #社區參與,我們致力於提倡減少汙染排放並提高公眾意識。我們亦與專家合作,希望為所有人創造一個更乾淨健康的環境。


Fantastic Plastic Machine- G11B

This semester, our pod aims to reduce plastic waste in Taiwan by designing deliverables

using plastic waste. Through the courses, students also learned the history of Taiwan’s

industrialization, and 3D printing technology. Welcome to visit our exhibition!

VIS本學期Fantastic Plastic Machine專案旨在使用廢棄塑膠來設計產品,以減少台灣的塑膠垃圾污染。透過課程教學,學生學習到台灣工業化的歷史和3D列印技術。歡迎6/01來到展場了解我們的專案!