Data Narratives

Throughout the fall 2021 semester, the VIS 11th and 12th graders have geared their Project Based Learning course towards studying the relationship between consumerism and human rights, as well as studying how using biometric data can decrease their stress. By collecting and analyzing data related to both topics, the students explored how data impacts our communities, and how we can use it to enact positive change.

Essential Question: How does data impact our communities?


As an interdisciplinary project, students investigated data and issues presented by their community partners through the lenses of computer science, marketing, and statistics. Together, we analyzed how data can impact our communities in positive ways.

The Data Narratives project included a variety of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Students were given the choice of which project and issues were important to them as individuals and community members. Students focused on goals ranging from good health, well-being and gender equality, to ethical consumption, peace, justice, and the development of strong institutions. 

The Data Narratives project consisted of three groups. Home Sweet Home and Simple Schedule explored the use of biometric data to tackle the issue of student stress and burnout. SnowGo created a territory game to create awareness from an ethical perspective of major clothing brands and local drink shops.

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home focused on important issues facing teens at their school. They created an anonymous platform where students could contact the school counselor or have conversations with other students about issues they face in their community. The goal is to give students a voice without the awkwardness of having to sit face to face with another person to discuss their feelings or ask questions. 

Project Wrap-up Video: 


Simple Schedule


Simple Schedule researched and collected biometric data to tackle the issues of student stress and communication with parents and teachers. Their scheduling product uses data to create an optimized plan for them to ensure they are able to get enough sleep, exercise, and school work. 

Project Wrap-up Video: 




SnowGo worked with Snowball For Good this semester to create awareness of human rights issues within various types of organizations. Through their territory game, they were able to create awareness on an interactive platform to show how data can be used to inform the public of important issues we face in our community.

Project Wrap-up Video: 


Media/Website Team


The Data Narrative Media team worked throughout the semester to document the other groups and build a website.They provided the teams with various types of media to use for their marketing campaigns and social media presence.

Project Wrap-up Video: 
