HonorsProgram教導學生挑戰更進階的課程 Althea同學不僅越級打怪成功還拿下優秀成績
Students in the VIS Honors Program are taking college-level courses at universities with undergraduate and graduate students. They have done well. G12 Althea Chen got full marks on the recent midterm exam in her Special Topics in Cellular and Organismic Biology class at National Taiwan University. The Professor was also impressed by Althea’s presentation of academic research papers.
This presentation-and-discussion seminar is indeed the everyday life style of VIS Honors Problem Based Learning led by Professor Jui-Chung Allen Li. Our Honors high school students have no trouble with this challenge. Congratulations to Althea! We are extremely proud of her.
李瑞中教授(大飽教授)培育VIS菁英班同學,訓練他們「越級打怪」,鼓勵他們到大學修課,和大學生(甚至研究生)一起學習。菁英班同學在大學修課,表現優異。剛結束的臺大期中考,12年級 Althea Chen 陳羿穎同學在大學部進階(也就是與大學部與研究所共同上課)的細胞與個體生物學特論課上拿到滿分。
在VIS菁英班大飽教授的課堂上,上台報告研究論文並進行討論是上課的日常, Althea Chen 陳羿穎在臺大的課堂上比照碩博士生報告專業研究論文之嫻熟,也獲得教授的讚賞。恭喜 Althea Chen 陳羿穎!我們與有榮焉。