恭喜!VIS G11 Naomi Chen 陳詩婷 榮獲全國業餘高爾夫南區分區月賽『第一名』!
I changed my strategy the morning before my first round because I played my practice round in the rain, yet during the three days of the tournament, there was not a single raindrop. I made several improvements, including having confidence in playing nearly every shot. I’m still working on my mind-setting by having deep breaths before I execute my shots.
However, I still made some mistakes. I had four bogeys and only one birdie, shooting a 75 with 32 putts. On the second day, I played one double, five bogeys, and one birdie, finishing with a 78 with 36 putts. I didn’t play well, especially with my strategy and putting. I was too aggressive in some holes and lost my concentration when I didn’t play the ball how I imagined I would play. I didn’t remain calm and so I shot three bogeys in a row. I still need to work on confidence and how to play safe when the chance of birdieing this hole is low. Furthermore, I believe my putting had some problems, mostly on the distance control more than the readings of the greens. I putted all my putts too hard, resulting in four three-putts.
After the second day, I tried finding a solution to my putting mistakes. The greens in Tainan Golf Club are slow with not many big slopes, so it’s hard to putt with a distance control of more than twelve feet. After practicing putting on the practice green, I found a solution that best solves my problem. By gripping the putter’s grip with 60% of strength (which is a little more than medium pressure, I usually putt with 30% of strength, similar to light pressure) and putting the feeling of twelve feet on a green with a speed of 9. After testing out this method, I was confident that I am capable of putting better the next day. On the third day of the tournament, I was five shots ahead of my opponent. After putting in an 8 feet putt for birdie, my confidence was rising. However, I remained calm and told myself I still got 17 holes left. I need to concentrate on my revised strategy and shots. I finished my front nine with a -1, and moved on to the back nine with two birdies and three bogeys, finishing with a 72 with 29 putts. Although I played some poor shots, I was able to adjust my negative thoughts and feelings - a part where in my opinion, I did well on the last day.
I finished with +9 in a three-day tournament, and I became the girl’s champion (in division A and overall girl division). I was honored to finally have a WAGR ranking. There are still many places to improve, so keep grinding