Flute Recital VIS G7 JustinChung 長笛 獨奏會
On Saturday night, Justin’s Flute Recital took place in the Taipei Bach concert hall, and beautiful music surrounded the hall. The last encore song, “You Raise Me Up”, made people's eyes well up.
Justin’s father recounted: “Half a year ago we asked Justin if he’d like to have a Flute Recital as the milestone of his graduation from elementary school. He responded “OK!” and the next day mom started to search for the venue. Tonight is the result.”
Through Justin's music, close friends and relatives can gather together. We the teachers and students there were also having a wonderful night.
週六夜,Justin的青春吾笛長笛獨奏會在台北巴赫廳中展開。悠揚的長笛音韻繚繞會場,溫暖著每顆心。最後一首安可曲,You raise me up,則讓在座的許多人都濕了眼眶。爸爸說,這場音樂會起源於半年前Justin小學畢業,親子在聊天的過程中提及辦場音樂會、見證Justin的成長,一句「可以呀」,媽媽隔天就開始找場地,啟動了整個篇章。