VIS is authorized by the College Board to provide AP (Advanced Placement) courses. The following article is from the official College Board website. The below will help us understand 5 steps to creating a college list.
Original source: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/plan-for-college/find-your-dream-college/choose-a-college/5-steps-to-creating-a-college-list
5 Steps to Creating a College List
How do you figure out which colleges to apply to?
Finding colleges that fit you best begins with self-discovery — that means getting to know your interests, your goals and what's most important to you. The following five steps will get you started on the right path.
1. Ask yourself some questions
Answering questions like these will help you focus your college search:
- What am I interested in?
- How do I spend my free time?
- What do I feel passionate about?
- How do I learn best?
- What do I think I want to do in the future?
2. Get to know the options
Visit College Search Step-by-Step , where you can learn about basic college categories and answer questions about your preferences. You'll also find in-depth information about searching for colleges, along with advice from college students and educators.
3. Decide what matters most to you
For some students, sports and activities are very important. Other students want a challenging academic environment. Look at your answers to the questions in Step 1. What do they say about you and what you may like in a college?
4. Search for colleges
Use College Search to find colleges that match your preferences. Search for colleges by location, majors, size and more. There's guidance to help you along the way.
5. Add colleges to your list
Check out individual profiles of the colleges that come up in your College Search results. When you see a college you like, click "Add to List" to save it to a favorites list. You can return to it later and refine your list as you go along.
What now?
For more about searching for colleges, visit How to Find a College That Fits You.
For more about building your college list, download How to Build a College List.
To have a balanced college list and increase your chances of acceptance, we recommend including 3 reach colleges, 2 match, and 1 safety college.
If you would like to discuss college options further, please make an appointment with our college counselor Rosalyn Shih (collegecounseling@vis.tp.edu.tw ) to find out more.
VIS 為美國大學理事會(College Board)正式認證學校,經授權可開授AP課程。以下文章出自於美國大學理事會 College Board 官網,提供中文翻譯給學生家長參考,讓我們一同來看看打造大學志願清單的 5 步驟
打造大學志願清單的 5 步驟
找到最適合自己的大學,就從發現自我開始 — 也就是認識自己的興趣、目標所在,並知道自己最重視的要點。以下 5 個步驟可以幫助你用正確的方式開始。
1. 自問以下問題
- 我對什麼感興趣?
- 閒暇時我都做什麼?
- 我對什麼事物有熱情?
- 我在怎樣的狀況下學習狀況最好?
- 我未來想做什麼?
2. 了解各種選擇
參考「逐步進行大學搜尋」(College Search Step-by-Step)網頁,可以了解大學基本分類並回答性向喜好測驗。也可以找到大學搜尋的相關深度資訊,獲得大學學生和教員的建議。
3. 判斷出對自己最重要的事
4. 搜尋大學
利用「大學搜尋」( College Search) 網頁找到與你喜好相符的大學。可以依照地點、主修、規模和其他項目來搜尋。過程中皆有指引可以幫助你完成搜尋。
5. 將大學加入志願清單
檢閱在「大學搜尋」結果中出現的學校,查看它們個別的資訊。如果看到喜歡的學校就按下 「Add to List」儲存到最愛清單裡,之後再回頭優化清單。
還想了解更多大學搜尋的相關資訊,請參閱 How to Find a College That Fits You
要打造志願清單可以下載 How to Build a College List.
如果VIS同學們想進一步討論如何選擇海外的大學,請與VIS的升學顧問 Miss Rosalyn Shih (collegecounseling@vis.tp.edu.tw ) 預約晤談以了解更多資訊。