VIS is authorized by the College Board to provide AP (Advanced Placement) courses. The following article is from the official College Board website. The below will help us understand how to size up colleges: big vs. small.
Original source:https://reurl.cc/02QV4b
Sizing Up Colleges: Big vs. Small
As you begin your college search, one of the first decisions you need to make — and one that helps narrow your list — is what size college you want to attend. U.S. colleges offer many options, from small colleges with fewer than 1,000 students to large state universities with more than 35,000 students. What's best for you depends a lot on your personality and academic goals.
The Big College Experience
Do you picture yourself at a Big Ten university that offers everything from televised sporting events to countless degree programs? Are you itching to break free of the high school fishbowl and enjoy the anonymity that comes with being one of thousands of students? Then a big college might be a good fit for you.
Here are some of the benefits associated with big colleges. Keep in mind, these may not be true of all of them:
- Wide variety of majors and courses
- Well-stocked libraries
- Variety of housing opportunities
- Well-funded sports programs
- Wide range of academic choices and student activities
- Distinguished or famous faculty
- State-of-the-art research facilities
Things to Consider
To succeed at a big college, it's best to go in knowing what subjects or general areas you're interested in pursuing. Students who do best at large colleges tend to be go-getters who are not afraid to speak up and take advantage of the many opportunities available.
Introductory classes at a large college may contain hundreds of students. Some students find this environment exciting. Others feel overwhelmed.
Another point: If you're attracted to a college because of its famous faculty, find out how many classes are actually taught by the professors, and not by their teaching assistants.
Administrative red tape is also something to think about — large colleges tend to have a lot of it. For example, enrolling in a course that's not part of your major may require multiple signatures and approvals.
The Small College Experience
Do you enjoy personal attention from teachers and advisers? Then a small college may be just what you need. Some students find that a smaller setting is a better fit. Although there may be fewer facilities, there are also fewer students to compete with.
Here are some of the benefits associated with small colleges. Keep in mind, these may not be true of all of them:
- Small class sizes
- Hands-on learning opportunities
- Individually designed majors
- Strong advising system; advisers know students well
- Strong sense of community
- Professors, not teaching assistants, teach most courses
- Opportunity to get to know professors well
Things to Consider
Small colleges don't offer as many majors as big colleges; however, some of them let you design your own.
Courses at small colleges are usually taught by professors, not teaching assistants. The professors may even know your name and areas of interest.
Be aware that small colleges do not have the research facilities of large universities. If you're hoping to be a research assistant, find out what kind of work and facilities are available before you apply.
Although you'll find a robust social life at most small colleges, you'll find less in terms of big sporting events and variety. However, there is often a stronger sense of community and connection.
Start Your Search
Whether you're considering a big university, a small college, or something in between, you need to carefully look at options and determine what's most important to you. Keep in mind that college size is one of many factors to consider as you build your college list.
Use College Search (https://collegesearch.collegeboard.org/home) to research two-year and four-year colleges and find the size that meets your needs.
Great news!
Starting February 25th, parents of VIS students are welcome to make an appointment if they would like a Biomedical or Agricultural consultation, available every Friday afternoon at 3:30pm or 4:30pm. Each session is open to one family’s parents. This is an opportunity to discuss intimately with Dr. Chau-Ti Ting and Dr. Shun-Chern Tsaur from National Taiwan University will help resolve concerns and answer questions.
Time:Every Friday afternoon 3:30pm or 4:30pm.
Location:VIS 3rd floor or 6th floor (No. 97, Section 1, Roosevelt Rd., Zhongzheng district, Taipei City)
Appointment:Elly (Secretary of the Principal)
Contact:02-23567978 ext.14 or please leave Elly a message via Line@ Administration
VIS 為美國大學理事會(College Board)正式認證學校,經授權可開授AP課程。以下文章出自於美國大學理事會 College Board 官網,提供中文翻譯給學生家長參考,讓我們一同來認識大學規模怎麼挑?大而全 vs. 小而美
大學規模怎麼挑?大而全 vs. 小而美
開始搜尋大學的時候,設定想去的學校規模,是你面臨的第一個抉擇之一 (先確定下來,也可以幫你縮小選擇清單)。美國的大學從學生數不到 1,000 人的小型學校,到超過 35,000名學生的大型州立大學,各式規模都有。而哪種才最適合你,取決於你的個性和學術目標。
你是否曾想像過自己躋身那種不但有自己的體育競賽電視轉播、還有無數個學位課程的「大型」大學? 你是否迫不及待要離開高中侷限狹小的環境,投身幾千名學生當中,享受沒有人知道你是誰的無拘無束? 那麼大型學院就非常適合你。
- 各式各樣的主修和課程
- 圖書館館藏豐富
- 住宿選擇多樣充分
- 體育課程資源充裕
- 學術選擇和學生活動範圍廣泛
- 傑出或知名的教職員
- 現代先進的研究設備
行政上的繁文縟節也得考量進去 ,大型學院通常很多規矩。例如,要選不是你主修的課程,你可能得要層層簽名和批核。
- 班級規模小
- 實作學習機會多
- 個別設計的主修課程
- 輔導系統完善;輔導員跟學生熟悉度高
- 群體感強烈
- 大部分的課程是教授授課,不是助教
- 有機會熟識教授們
請善用 College Search (https://collegesearch.collegeboard.org/home) 網頁來搜尋出兩年制或四年制的學院,找出適合自己需求的學校規模。
好消息!本學期自2022/02/25起,開放每週五下午3:30 或 4:30 兩個時段,歡迎家長預約生物醫農領域諮詢,將由臺大 丁照棣教授、曹順成教授 協助您解惑。
聯繫方式:02-23567978分機14 或 Line@留言