VIS is authorized by the College Board to provide AP (Advanced Placement) courses. The following article is from the official College Board website. The below will provide us 6 tips to build confidence for your AP exams
VIS 為美國大學理事會(College Board)正式認證學校,經授權可開授AP課程。以下文章出自於美國大學理事會 College Board 官網,提供中文翻譯給學生家長參考,讓我們一同來看看考 AP 為自己加強信心的 6 招 (善用 AP 申請美國大學)。
Original source 原文出處:
6 Tips to Build Confidence for Your AP Exams
考 AP 為自己加強信心的 6 招 (善用 AP 申請美國大學)
高中生活本就多采多姿,時間如此有限,你還得忙著讀書、社團、甚至打工、跟朋友玩。但不管這個春天你在幹嘛,都要對留學申請充滿自信。無論你是第一次、甚至是最後一次考 AP,以下建議都是很有用的方式,能幫助你在此刻或未來建立自信:
1. Stay committed 保持信念:
When you commit to something, you’ve given yourself a path to follow through—which often leads to motivation for success. Set your eye on the prize and go for it.
2. Positive self-talk 正念自勉:
It's easy to let your nerves get the best of you when tackling something new. Don’t be your harshest critic. Write how great you are on a sticky note or on a mirror to remind yourself you can do it!
3. Move your body 動動身體:
Whether you’re an athlete or you enjoy getting outdoors or walking your dog, moving your body will pay off. It’ll boost your endorphins and give you a break, so you’ll feel refreshed when you return to your work and responsibilities.
4. Get enough rest 充分休息:
While you think studying all night will make you smarter, you may be making it harder on yourself. Take time for rest and prioritize getting a full night’s sleep.
5. Ask for help 尋求協助:
Just because you don’t have the answer doesn’t mean you aren’t resourceful enough to find it. The most successful people know when to ask for help—and take it when it’s given.
6. Utilize resources available to you 充分利用資源:
preparation is key.
- Attend AP Daily: Live Review Sessions
- View upcoming assignments and track your progress in AP Classroom
- Connect with your peers and support each other along the way. You’re all in similar classes, so set up study groups, in-person or virtual, to study for your AP Exam, and check out these 50 ways students stay focused from other AP students.
•加入 AP Daily: Live Review Sessions
•利用 AP Classroom 功能檢視考試與學習進度
•跟同學一起協助彼此邁向成功申請留學的目標。可以跟同學建立實體或是線上讀書會,一起備考 AP。參考其他學生提供的考生備考50招 。
For more tips on building confidence and succeeding in AP check out this blog.
考 AP 其他建立自信,讓考試順利的方法請參閱此部落格。