How It Happens

#HonorsProgram #養成閱讀習慣 #VIS菁英班


李瑞中教授給菁英班學生出的寒假作業是:讀一本有博士學位(Ph.D., M.D. or J.D./S.J.D.)作者的專書

同學們這週在課堂上報告自己寒假讀的書,有同學讀了哈佛特聘教授Michèle Lamont的“The Dignity of Working Men“,Lamont教授是李瑞中教授恩師的好朋友,沒想到再次聽到她的名字竟是從高中生的口中;李瑞中教授問學生是如何得知這位學者與她的書,學生說他只是很自然地到Harvard University Press(哈佛大學出版社)的網站上翻看一本本的書,直到找到這本最吸引他的書……。


而另一位令人驚豔的學生才9年級,竟自己選讀了“The Race between Education and Technology”,並進行了精彩的口頭報告,李教授驚喜地說,他沒有告訴過學生,但這本書其實是他在 #紐約大學 教課時為學生挑選的指定讀物,9年級的學生就對這本書有如此程度的理解與掌握,其他人必然難以置信。





Bandura, A. (1979). Aggression a social learning analysis. Prentice-Hall.

Carroll, B. W. (2017). An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.

Chabris, C. F., & Simons, D. J. (2010). The invisible gorilla: Thinking clearly in a world of illusions. Harper Collins Publishers.

Deresiewicz, W. (2014). Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life. Free Press.

Desmond, M. (2016). Evicted: Poverty and profit in the American city. Crown.

Fromm, E. (1956). The art of loving. Harper & Brothers.

Gelb, N., Hillgartner, M., & Graymalkin Media. (2017). Dunkirk: The Complete Story of the First Step in the Defeat of Hitler. Graymalkin Media.

Golahny, A., Mochizuki, M.M., & Vergara, L. (2006). In His Milieu: Essays on Netherlandish Art in Memory of John Michael Montias. Amsterdam University Press.

Goldin, C. D., & Katz, L. F. (2009). The race between education and technology. Harvard University Press.

Lamont, M. (2021). The dignity of working men. Harvard University Press.

Pinet, P. R. (2014). Invitation to Oceanography (7th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Pinker, S. (2022). Rationality: What it is, why it seems scarce, why it matters. Penguin Books.

Rogers, C. R. (1995). On becoming a person: A therapist’s view of psychotherapy. Houghton Miffiln Harcount.

Sandel, M. J. (2010). Justice: What’s the right thing to do? (1st ed.). Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Stephen R. Covey (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Mango.

Watson, J. D. (2010). Avoid Boring People: Lessons from a Life in Science (Illustrated ed.). Vintage.