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In His Milieu: Essays on Netherlandish Art in Memory of John Michael Montias



李瑞中教授給菁英班學生出的寒假作業是:讀一本有博士學位(Ph.D., M.D. or J.D./S.J.D.)作者的專書。

同學們這週在課堂上報告自己寒假讀的書,有同學讀了哈佛特聘教授Michèle Lamont的“The Dignity of Working Men“,Lamont教授是李瑞中教授恩師的好朋友,沒想到再次聽到她的名字竟是從高中生的口中;李瑞中教授問學生是如何得知這位學者與她的書,學生說他只是很自然地到Harvard University Press(哈佛大學出版社)的網站上翻看一本本的書,直到找到這本最吸引他的書……。


以下是菁英班同學們選讀的書單,領域遍佈經濟學、社會學、心理學 與 自然科學,邀請大家一同養成閱讀的好習慣。

而今天要介紹的是:In His Milieu: Essays on Netherlandish Art in Memory of John Michael Montias


【 In His Milieu: Essays on Netherlandish Art in Memory of John Michael Montias 】

Collected in memory of the Vermeer scholar and Yale economist J. Michael Montias, these essays take into account the latest trends in the field and provide new data on a wide range of topics in Netherlandish art. Themes include the reception of paintings and architecture; art collecting as interpreted through inventories and other documents that reveal modes of display; relationships between patrons and painters; recently found or attributed works of art; artists as teachers; and the art market. Taken together, these focused studies offer fresh perspectives on the historical appreciation and evaluation of art.

Drawing upon J.M. Montias’ contribution to art history, these 32 essays present new analyses, attributions, and documents on Netherlandish art and material culture – including the work of Vermeer, Rubens, Rembrandt, van Eyck and others – by internationally known scholars of art history and the economics of art.
