Honors Program 菁英班 - 深度閱讀與討論

#VIS #HonorsProgram #ResearchProjects #exploring #developing #菁英班

This week, the Honors Program students began their presentations on their potential research projects. Since we are still at the beginning of the school year, students are still exploring academic fields they might be interested in.

The goals of the presentations of the first few classes have been for the students to summarize and analyze readings that they have encountered and bring up anything that has caught their attention. Sample topics the students presented on include drone applications, the effects (if any) that music has on appetite for the elderlies, and narcissism personality disorder.

Students have been learning a lot from each other, and we can’t wait to hear the presentations from the rest of the students in the following classes!

VIS致力於以創新教學培養未來世界領袖,從成立第一年便與全世界錄取率最低、最難進的大學-#紐約大學阿布達比校區,唯一的台灣教授、招生面試官-李瑞中教授合作「#深度閱讀與討論」課程,上個學年起更邀請李教授指導「Honors English」,110學年起由李教授規劃帶領的「Honors Program 菁英班」全面展開。

Dr. Allen Li (李瑞中博士)

大飽教授留學講堂主持人(since 2017)經ㄧ經ㄧ