圓山大飯店 Team Building 密道導覽

#teambuilding #密道導覽 #TheGrandHotel #圓山大飯店 #VIS

The teachers and administrative staff of VIS went to the Grand Hotel yesterday for a fun team-building activity! They participated in a guided tour to learn more about the #history of the Grand Hotel and even explored its #mysterious secret passageways. Through this event, everyone deepened their understanding of each other, strengthening our bonds. We look forward to continuing to foster team spirit in our future work together!

VIS 的老師和行政同仁們昨日前往 #圓山大飯店 進行了一次充滿樂趣的 team building!參加導覽深入了解圓山大飯店的 #歷史背景,還探索了 #神秘的密道。大家在這次活動中不僅加深了彼此的瞭解,更強化了彼此的連結,期待在未來的工作中繼續發揮 #團隊精神!