Evidence of Success
Congratulations to Brian Chen!

We are thrilled to announce that our Grade 12 student, Brian, who studies at our Canadian partner school, CIC, has been admitted to the prestigious University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) for a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)!

Ranked among the world’s top universities, the University of Toronto (UofT) consistently upholds its reputation for academic excellence, cutting-edge research, and global influence. It is currently ranked #25 in the QS World University Rankings 2025 and remains Canada’s top university. UofT is home to an extensive network of distinguished alumni, including four Canadian Prime Ministers, ten Nobel Prize winners, and countless leaders in business, academia, and innovation.

The Bachelor of Commerce program at UTM is designed to equip students with a strong foundation in business, finance, and management, offering opportunities for experiential learning and industry engagement.

Brian’s acceptance into this world-class institution reflects his dedication and academic excellence. We are incredibly proud of his achievement and look forward to seeing him thrive at UofT!

賀! 恭喜在加拿大夥伴學校 CIC 就讀的 12 年級學生 Brian 錄取多倫多大學 (University of Toronto UTM) 商學士 (Bachelor of Commerce, BCom) !

多倫多大學長年穩居全球頂尖學府之列,以卓越的學術聲譽、尖端研究成果及全球影響力享譽國際。在 2025 年 QS 世界大學排名 (QS World University Rankings 2025) 中,多倫多大學位列 #全球第 25 名,並持續穩坐 #加拿大第一學府 的寶座。該校擁有廣泛的知名校友網絡,其中包括四位加拿大總理、十位諾貝爾獎得主,以及無數商界、學術界及創新領域的領袖人物。

UTM 的商學士 (BCom) 課程旨在為學生奠定紮實的商業、財務與管理基礎,並提供豐富的實作學習機會及產業合作計畫,助力學生為未來職涯發展做好準備。

Brian 能夠成功獲得這所世界級學府的錄取,充分展現了他的學術實力與努力。我們以他的卓越成就為榮,期待他能在 UTM 大放異彩!