Evidence of Success
Congratulations to Janis Lin!

We are thrilled to announce that our Grade 12 student, Janis Lin, has been admitted to the esteemed Ming Chuan University (MCU) to study Bachelor's degree in Applied Foreign Languages for Fall 2025! 

Located in the vibrant city of Taipei, MCU is a proud member of the Excellent Long-Established University Consortium of Taiwan (ELECT). It is the first university in Asia to receive accreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) in the United States and remains the only university in Taiwan with such prestigious accreditation. Additionally, MCU has obtained accreditation from CHEA (Council for Higher Education Accreditation) and AACSB, highlighting its commitment to maintaining high academic standards and fostering a global educational environment.

Ming Chuan University has been ranked among Asia’s best universities for six consecutive years. In 2023, it was also ranked 10th in the “University Performance Growth Ranking”. Recently, MCU was ranked as the 5th most favored school for invitations by the financial industry and the 5th most favored private school for master’s students by enterprises nationwide, reflecting its strong industry connections and practical education.

Janis’s admission not only highlights her outstanding academic achievements but also sets her on a path to endless possibilities. We are incredibly proud of her dedication and success!

我們非常高興地宣布,我們的十二年級學生 Janis Lin 已於 2025 年秋季被臺灣銘傳大學應用外文英語系錄取!

位於充滿活力的台北市,銘傳大學是臺灣 Excellent Long-Established University Consortium ( ELECT ) 的自豪成員。它是亞洲第一所獲得美國 Middle States Commission on Higher Education ( MSCHE ) 認證的大學,也是台灣唯一擁有此類高尚認證的大學。此外,MCU 還獲得了 CHEA ( Council for Higher Education Accreditation ) 和 AACSB 的認證,彰顯了其維持高學術標準和培育全球教育環境的承諾。

銘傳大學已連續六年被評為亞洲最佳大學之一。2023 年,它在「大學表現成長排名」中也位列第 10 名。最近,MCU 被金融業邀請最受歡迎學校評為第五名,並在全國企業中被評為碩士生最受歡迎的私立學校第五名,反映出其強大的產業連結和實務教育。

Janis 的錄取不僅展示了她的成就,也為她開啟了無限的可能性。我們恭喜她!