#HonorsProgram #菁英班 #獲獎 #中研院實習 #生物化學實驗室 #TaiwanMagneticResonanceSociety #TMRS #台灣磁共振學會
恭喜 VIS G12 Vicky 同學於今年夏天台灣磁共振學會(TMRS)舉辦的壁報競賽中獲得佳作!
VIS G12 student, Vicky (Wei-Chi Huang), started her internship in Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica in G11 because of Honors Program Professor Li’s recommendation, and in this summer, she won the Honorable Mention in Taiwan Magnetic Resonance Society (TMRS) 2022 Meeting Poster Competition under Dr. Shang-Te Danny Hsu's guidance. Even though Vicky is a high school student, her passion and effort make her the achievements. “This put some positive pressure on my lab members as well - high school kid can do better than most master students,” said Dr. Shang-Te Danny Hsu.
VIS 12年級的同學Vicky(黃微淇)從11年級開始,在菁英班李瑞中教授的推薦下進到中央研究院生物化學所實驗室實習,並在生化所徐尚德教授的指導下,於今年夏天台灣磁共振學會(TMRS)舉辦的壁報競賽中獲得佳作。雖然Vicky還只是高中生,但她對於生物化學的熱情與努力,使她達成了超乎預期的成就。