❃ 恭喜我們國中部的G7 鍾堃煒 Justin 同學!❃
・2023 第一次和豐盃全國兒童少年擊劍積分賽/U13男子鈍劍/第二名!
Justin's feedback
Different from previous fencing competitions, I had a strong feeling that I should win a medal this time. I competed in the U13 category, which meant "under 13". I’m 12 years old, so I’m considered an older fencer in that group. This was the main reason why I put myself under so much pressure. While I was fencing, I could feel my advantage this time; I can finish many competitors in one round. The total score of fencing is 15 points; if you earn 15 points, you win the match. In the competition, sometimes I could defeat my opponents with a score of 15-4, which was a low score for the opponent. Things went smoothly until the final round. I was highly stressed because I was competing with a guy of the same age and in the same fencing club. I kept thinking of what my coach said to me: "Focus on yourself." Our points kept adding and adding: 10-10, 13-12, and 14-14. The moment of truth is 14-14; one more score would determine whether I win this competition or not. Finally, the referee started the match with "Allez." We ran towards each other to get the chance to attack. Suddenly, my mind went blank, and I was attacked by my opponent. I won second place eventually. In this competition, I learned two most important things: (1) to focus on myself and never let my mind blank out; and (2) to stay focused every moment. Although winning second place wasn't that bad, I knew I could have done better. Next time, I’ll stay focused throughout the match.
非常榮幸地向我們出色的學生 鍾堃煒 Justin 同學表示祝賀,恭喜他在擊劍比賽中取得的卓越的成績,也非常高興同學能夠取得學校的獎學金,支持他在所愛的興趣上繼續邁進!
再次恭喜G7 鍾堃煒 Justin同學。