Notes from the Battlefield: Our Experiences Applying to College 應屆畢業生大學申請經驗談

This panel will feature VIS Grade 12 students sharing their advice on applications, preparation strategies, and how younger students can make the most of their high school journey as they gear up for the next stage in their higher education.

Time: 5/2 12:00-12:40

Location: VIS Students @4A, VIS Parents@Online Google Meet

Speaker: G12 Students (Marc Yeh, Andrew Lu, Jerry Chen, Chloe Liu, Stanley Pang)



時間:5/2 12:00-12:40

地點: VIS 學生@4A, VIS 家長@線上Google Meet

講者: VIS12年級學生(Marc Yeh, Andrew Lu, Jerry Chen, Chloe Liu, Stanley Pang)