#德國學生 #參訪VISJH #民族實中 #公館商圈 #蟾蜍山 #謝謝民族實中的同學用心介紹 #VIS #VISJH
Today, German students visited Minzu Junior High School to engage in interactive exchanges with VIS junior high students and Principal Hong from Minzu.
Minzu students Jimmy and Akka gave English presentations on the #GongguanShoppingArea and the #ToadMountainOldCommunity. The visiting students then had the opportunity to explore the #ToadMountainLivingRoom, gaining a deeper understanding of the local culture.
Despite the VIS students' preparation for their #PBL (Project-Based Learning) final presentations, the German students observed classes and participated in photo sessions with their peers. This valuable #InternationalExchange was enhanced by a special gesture: everyone enjoyed the famous #KuaiKuai snacks, on which students wrote messages of good wishes for the German visitors. The students also exchanged #Instagram and emails to maintain future contact.
今日,與民族實中 洪校長、同學們及VIS 國中部師生一起互動交流。
民族實中兩位同學Jimmy 及Akka 分別以英文介紹了 #公館商圈 及 #蟾蜍山舊社區,並實際走訪蟾蜍山大客廳,讓遠道而來的學生更了解在地文化。
在不影響國中部同學準備PBL 期末展的進行下,德國學生入班觀察,並與同學們合照。
但這個難得的 #國際交流 機會可要好好把握!因此我們準備了無人不知無人不曉的「乖乖」,請同學們寫上祝福話語,致贈給德國學生。彼此也互相留下了IG 帳號或Email,留下未來互動的管道。