Alumni Panel

Alumni Panel
來自 日本明治大學 的安里天海 Amami Asato,2021 VIS 畢業校友,舉辦關於日本大學留學分享線上講座!
#MeijiUniversity #明治大學 #日本留學 #留學講座 #VIS校友
Amami Asato from #Meiji University, 2021 VIS Alumnus!
Join us online for a lecture on "The Reality and Truth of Studying Abroad in #Japan and Applying to #Japanese Universities."
We welcome everyone interested in applying to Japanese universities or curious about life in Japan to participate!
This lecture is pre-recorded. If you need the video link, please send a private message or leave a comment!
來自 #日本明治大學 的安里天海 Amami Asato,2021 VIS 畢業校友!
歡迎無論是對申請 #日本大學 或是對 #日本生活 有興趣的所有朋友們參加!
*此講座為 #預錄講座,若需要影片連結的朋友們,歡迎私訊或留言!