
VIS International Experimental Education in Taipei has commenced its third European educational tour, with the first stop in Vienna, Austria. Through international visits, hands-on experiences, and cross-cultural exchanges, students are developing a global perspective and fostering the qualities of responsible global citizens. Upon arriving in Austria, the students had the privilege of meeting with Taiwan's Ambassador to Vienna, Ms. Katherine Chang. Ambassador Chang participated in a student-led interview, encouraging them to embrace lifelong learning, step out of their comfort zones, set goals, challenge themselves, and cultivate critical thinking and an open mind. She emphasized the importance of mastering essential skills while encouraging students to maintain a broad and open perspective in facing the future. She also recognized their keen interest in international affairs.

VIS students have previously visited numerous countries and cities, engaging with diplomats and professionals from various sectors, including government, business, and academia. These experiences have enhanced their communication skills and deepened their understanding of global issues. VIS remains committed to providing diverse learning opportunities, aligning with global standards, and preparing the next generation to compete on the world stage.

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臺北市VIS國際實驗教育展開第三年的歐洲教育旅行,首站來到奧地利維也納。透過國際參訪、實地體驗和跨文化交流,學生們培養全球視野及世界公民的素養。抵奧當天隨即拜會台灣駐維也納大使張小月,張大使接受學生們的訪談並鼓勵同學們活到老學到老,走出自己的舒適圈,設定目標、挑戰自己,養成獨立思考Critical Thinking ,打開眼界 open mind,要有開闊的胸襟,面對未來的世界,基本功一定要練好並肯定同學們都相當關注國際議題。
