Check out our SoulSync Music Club and just a few words from the vice president of SoulSync Music Club - Sammie
"Hey, I’m Sammie, a Grade 11 student and the vice president of the SoulSync Music Club. Since we started the club, we’ve been planning many performances. So far, we have three lined up for November and December. These past few weeks, we’ve been preparing for our first performance, which will be at a home for people with disabilities.
Although the event has come with its challenges, I’ve learned so much from organizing our club and planning the performance. In the future, I will be positive to see how we keep improving and getting stronger as a group!"
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看看我們的 SoulSync 音樂社團,還有來自副社長 Sammie 的幾句話
「嗨,我是 Sammie,目前是高二學生,也是 SoulSync 音樂社的副社長。自從社團成立以來,我們一直在籌劃各種表演活動。目前,我們已經安排了三場十一月和十二月的演出。最近幾週,我們一直在準備第一次表演,地點是在一家為身障人士設立的機構。