在升學與生涯規劃的道路上,家長的支持至關重要!為了幫助學生更好地探索日本與國際大學的選擇,我們誠摯邀請您參加 #早稻田大學 全英文學程介紹講座。本次講座將由 早稻田大學臺北國際交流中心的楊雅茜 主講,深入解析申請流程與留學資訊。此外,VIS 校友 Andrew 陸思齊 也將親自分享他的早大就讀經驗,帶給學弟妹最真實的學習心得與建議。
講師:楊雅茜 (Ya-Chien Yang)
特別來賓:VIS 校友 Andrew 陸思齊
日期: 3 月 18 日(二)
時間: 12:00 - 12:50
- VIS 學生 – 4A 教室
- 家長以及校外來賓 – Google Meet
#VIS #早稻田大學 #留學日本 #大學申請 #VIS國際實驗教育
Waseda University: English-based Programs @Tokyo
Parental support plays a crucial role in students' academic and career planning! To help students explore university options in Japan and beyond, we invite you to join our Waseda University English-based Programs Info Session.
This session will be led by Ya-Chien Yang from Waseda University Taipei International Exchange Center, providing valuable insights into the application process and study abroad opportunities. Additionally, VIS alumnus Andrew Lu will share his first-hand experience studying at Waseda, offering practical advice to future applicants.
Speaker: Ya-Chien Yang (Waseda University Taipei International Exchange Center)
Special Guest: VIS Alumnus Andrew (陸思齊)
Date: Tuesday, March 18
Time: 12:00 - 12:50 PM
- VIS Students – Room 4A
- Parents & External Guests – Google Meet