Our Program
CIC 加拿大暑期遊學團—探索世界,成就更好的自己!

CIC 加拿大暑期遊學團—探索世界,成就更好的自己!

今年夏天,讓學習不侷限於課堂,VIS X CIC 暑期遊學團帶你飛往加拿大,體驗最純正的國際教育!在 Columbia International College (CIC) 的課程中,你將提升英語能力、探索當地文化、結交來自世界各地的朋友,建立真正的全球視野!

- 走訪加拿大經典地標

  • 從尼加拉大瀑布的壯麗景色,到國會山的歷史人文,再到加拿大奇幻樂園的刺激體驗,每一天都是全新的冒險,讓你在沉浸式環境中學習與成長!

- 沉浸式英語學習 X 領導力養成

  • 不只是語言提升,更透過團隊合作、跨文化交流與專案學習,幫助你發展領導能力與自信心,為未來鋪路!

- 安心無憂的住宿與照顧

  • 24/7 校園安全與宿舍管理
  • 醫護人員全天候關懷
  • 營養美味餐點,滿足各類飲食需求

- 豐富活動,精彩不停

  • CIC 達人秀——展現你的才華,成為全場焦點!
  • 嬉水歡樂日——夏日狂歡,釋放活力!
  • 半日城市探險——走訪漢密爾頓,體驗當地生活!
  • 夜間娛樂時光——保齡球、電影、科技互動遊戲,嗨翻每個夜晚!

*名額有限,立即報名! 別錯過這個難得的機會,這個夏天,讓我們一起飛向世界,開拓未來!


CIC Canada Summer Camp – Explore the World, Become Your Best Self!

This summer, take learning beyond the classroom! The VIS X CIC Summer Camp brings you to Canada, where you'll experience world-class international education at Columbia International College (CIC)! Enhance your English skills, immerse yourself in local culture, and make friends from all over the world—building a true global perspective! 

- Explore Canada's Iconic Landmarks

  • From the breathtaking Niagara Falls to the historic Parliament Hill and the thrilling rides at Canada's Wonderland, every day is a new adventure filled with hands-on learning and growth!

- Immersive English Learning & Leadership Development

  • This program goes beyond language skills! Through teamwork, cross-cultural exchanges, and project-based learning, you'll build leadership abilities and confidence—preparing for the future!

- Safe & Comfortable Accommodation

  • 24/7 campus security & dorm supervision
  • On-site medical care & support
  • Nutritious meals catering to all dietary needs

- Exciting Activities, Unforgettable Memories

  • CIC Talent Show – Shine on stage and showcase your talents!
  • Water Fun Day – Cool off with summer splashes! 
  • City Exploration – Discover Hamilton's local culture and hidden gems!
  • Evening Entertainment – Bowling, movies, interactive tech games, and more!

*Limited spots available—Sign up now! Don't miss this incredible opportunity to travel, learn, and grow. This summer, let's fly beyond borders and shape our future!