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VIS 獲金門高中感謝狀,攜手為學子拓展視野!

VIS 獲金門高中感謝狀,攜手為學子拓展視野!

VIS 國際實驗教育將《DISCOVER TAIPEI: VIS 從巷弄開展全球視野》贈送至偏鄉學校,期盼這本書能為更多學子開啟探索世界的契機。獲贈的金門高中特別致贈感謝狀,以表達對 VIS 推動教育共享的肯定與支持。這不僅是一份禮物,更是一座橋樑,讓更多年輕人透過臺北的巷弄,看見文化的深度,思索城市與自身的關係,培養全球視野與思辨能力。知識無遠弗屆,教育薪火相傳,VIS 期待與更多學校攜手,讓學習的種子生根發芽,茁壯成長! 


VIS Receives Certificate of Appreciation from Kinmen High Senior School – Expanding Horizons Together!

VIS is proud to donate DISCOVER TAIPEI: From Local Streets to Global Perspectives to schools in rural areas, hoping to inspire more students to explore the world. Kinmen Senior High School, one of the recipient schools, presented VIS with a Certificate of Appreciation, recognizing and supporting our commitment to educational equity and knowledge sharing.

This book is more than a gift—it is a bridge connecting young minds to the rich cultural fabric of Taipei, encouraging them to reflect on the relationship between cities, identity, and global perspectives.
Knowledge knows no boundaries, and education thrives when shared. VIS looks forward to collaborating with more schools, planting the seeds of learning, and nurturing a future where knowledge flourishes!