Join us for an exclusive design lecture, "Design Made in Italy: From the City to the Spoon," featuring Professor Maurizio Scalzi, Architect and Senior Lecturer of the Master in New Urban Design at Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (NABA).
NABA is Italy’s largest Academy of Fine Arts, internationally recognized for its excellence in arts and design education. With campuses in Milan and Rome, NABA offers degree programs in Communication and Graphic Design, Design, Fashion Design, Media Design and New Technologies, Set Design, and Visual Arts.
This session includes:
- An engaging design lecture
- A 15-minute introduction to NABA
- A unique opportunity for students to share their portfolios after the presentation
Date: Tuesday, March 18
Time: 12:00 - 12:40
Location: VIS Students @ 4E | Parents & Off-Campus Participants @ Online (Google Meet)
本次活動特別邀請 Maurizio Scalzi 教授 —— 建築師及義大利新城市設計碩士課程(Master in New Urban Design)資深講師,與大家分享義大利設計的精髓。
關於 NABA(Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti 米蘭藝術大學)
NABA 是義大利最大、享譽國際的藝術與設計學院,以其卓越的藝術與設計教育聞名全球。學院擁有米蘭與羅馬兩大校區,提供涵蓋視覺傳達與平面設計、產品設計、時尚設計、媒體設計與新科技、舞台設計及視覺藝術等多個專業領域的學位課程。
- 精彩設計講座,探索義大利設計的獨特魅力
- 15 分鐘 NABA 學院介紹,了解世界級設計教育
- 學生展示作品的機會,獲得專家回饋
日期: 3月18日(星期二)
時間: 12:00 - 12:40
地點: VIS 學生 @ 4E|家長與校外參與者 @ Google Meet 線上會議