This summer program will focus on developing critical thinking and systems thinking skills, culminating in a 2-hour moderated online activity between the Taiwan-based cohort and the US-based cohort.
Systems thinking asks us to focus on how the parts of a system, the components, work together to achieve a desired purpose. Let’s apply this to the system of education. What is its purpose? Is the purpose to follow our passions? Learn to problem-solve? Or to secure a high paying job? How do the different components of the education system (schools, teachers, curriculum, tests) interact to achieve its purpose? How can we build better connections between these components to achieve the desired purpose?
有鑑於全世界體制內教育缺乏系統思考的訓練,Lead For Taiwan和由Minerva校友創辦的Systems Living Lab共同規畫了一系列的系統思考工作坊,內容著重在幫助學生分析、拆解和組合系統,並且以教育制度為題目,實際應用系統思考的概念在分析教育制度。
July 26(Mon) to July 29(Thu): 4:00-5:30 PM & July 30 (Fri) 8:00-9:30 AM (Facetime with the students in USA)