2021 Fall PBL Exhibition - Food 4 Thought
2021/12/15 (Wednesday 週三)
G9 & G10: Food 4 Thought
Dear parents and friends of VIS,
The grade nine and ten PBL groups would like to invite you to our upcoming Food4thought exhibition, taking place from 13:00 to 15:30 on December 15th, 2021.
This semester, we have been investigating the impact of food on our communities, and working to reduce the impact of the pandemic on four community partner restaurants in Taipei. The partner restaurants we worked with are Kiwi Gourmet Burger (KGB), Gusto Pizza, Fiesta and Redroom.
For these partners, we created media kits that contain pictures, videos, and biographies. We then provide these media kits to the partners, who can then use the media kits to supplement their existing marketing methods.
The project was tough going, so we are looking forward to presenting our media kits and other important elements of our project to you! The students working behind the scenes (building, editing, communicating and organising) played a vital part too, and their work and their journey will also be displayed.
Look forward to seeing you there!
#RegisterHere https://forms.gle/JeCDfT2bXmm1gCEMA
九年級和十年級PBL小組誠摯邀請您参加我們於2021年12月15日 13:00至 15:30舉行的『Food4thought 展覽』。
VIS合作的餐廳有 Kiwi Gourmet Burger (KGB)、Gusto Pizza、Fiesta 和 Redroom 。
#後製工作 (構建、網輯、交流和組織)的學生也負責了重要的工作,他們的作品和過程也將展覽期間展現給各位!
#報名連結 https://forms.gle/JeCDfT2bXmm1gCEMA
#VIS #PBL #Food4thought展覽 #ProjectBasedLearning #本學期的PBL成果展來啦 #歡迎來看同學們PBL學習的成果