#澳洲留學講座 #頂尖名校升學規劃 #idp #對外開放
#VIS #國際實驗教育
【2022 Spring VIS X idp: Study abroad in Australia 澳洲留學講座】
VIS invite IDP experienced consultant, Chris, to have a seminar to talk about applying to the school in Australia. Welcome every parent and student if you or your kid is planning to study in Australia.
VIS特別邀請IDP #澳洲資深留學顧問Chris 舉辦一場澳洲留學講座,歡迎對澳洲升學有興趣的家長、同學報名參加! 也 #歡迎校外家長同學們參加講座!
*2022/5/14 (Sat, 六) 10:30-12:00
*Location地點: VIS國際實驗教育 6th floor六樓
(6F., No. 9, Sec. 1, Roosevelt Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 台北市中正區羅斯福路一段97號6樓)
-The benefits of studying in Australia/ 留學澳洲的好處
-Australian education system/ 澳洲教育制度
-About the top eight universities in Australia/ 關於澳洲八大名校
-Australian school application process/ 澳洲學校申請流程
-Australia visa requirements/ 澳洲簽證須知
???? Sign up報名: https://forms.gle/3qkVrqXMWAnPUsUR9
Due to the pandemic, we need to follow the policy that you must provide your vaccination record with 2 shots or rapid test negative result in 3 days before you come into our campus. Thank you.
因疫情政策規定,進入校園前請務必提供您的 #兩劑疫苗施打證明 或是 #3天內的快篩陰性紀錄,謝謝
⚠️If the epidemic is too severe to hold, we will be held online instead.
⚠️This seminar is also open to parents and students who are not from our school but interested in studying in Australia!