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Tips for Staying Motivated 保持正向積極,為申請世界頂大努力

VIS is authorized by the College Board to provide AP (Advanced Placement) courses. The following article is from the official College Board website. The below will provide us some tips for staying motivated


VIS 為美國大學理事會(College Board)正式認證學校,經授權可開授AP課程。以下文章出自於美國大學理事會 College Board 官網,提供中文翻譯給學生家長參考,讓我們一同來看看如何保持正向積極,為申請世界頂大努力 

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Tips for Staying Motivated

To succeed in high school and college, you have to do your best at all times. But sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated, even when you really care about the work you’re doing. Here are five ways to stay on the right track.


  1. Focus on High-Impact Activities

    The key to success in school is staying focused on your course work. Make a list to get an overall picture of your workload before you start to tackle any of it. Then, make a plan. Although it’s tempting to do the simplest assignments first, those that take more time and effort to accomplish are probably the ones that you’ll learn the most from.

    To determine what your priorities are, rank your assignments in the order of their importance. Then rearrange your time and devote more energy toward those that have the greatest impact on your course work and grades. For example, even though all homework assignments are important, studying for a midterm exam takes priority over writing a paragraph for English class. As you complete each task, think of it as another step on your way to college success.
  2. Create New Challenges

    Changing your approach can help you stay interested in what you’re doing. If you've been given an assignment similar to one you've done in the past, think about it in a different way. If you wrote an essay for a creative writing assignment last year, try a poem this time. For book reports, pick a history book instead of another biography.
  3. Set Attainable Goals

    If you're having trouble writing a 25-page paper for class because it seems like such a big job, don't focus on that final number. Break the paper down and consider each section of your paper individually. You can handle any project in small chunks.
    如果你正在煩惱要怎麼寫一篇 25 頁的報告,因為這是一項大工程,請先別管最終的頁數,把報告拆解開,分別針對不同的章節好好考量。任何大型作業、專案都可以拆成小部分來處理。
  4. Find a Social Support Network

    Create a group of people around you who want to help you succeed. Mentors can be teachers or family friends who can give you guidance and help you develop new skills. Counselors can help you with planning your courses and starting to explore colleges. You can also reach out to friends and peers who can motivate you by listening and sharing ideas.
  5. Acknowledge Your Accomplishments

    Give yourself a quick reward when you complete an assignment or task. Take a walk, send an email, get a snack — whatever works for you. Then move on to the next project.

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If you would like to discuss college options further, please make an appointment with our college counselor Rosalyn Shih ( ) to find out more.

如果VIS同學們想進一步討論如何選擇海外的大學,請與VIS的升學顧問 Miss Rosalyn Shih ( ) 預約晤談以了解更多資訊。