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VIS @ Taiwanderful Recycling

VIS @ Taiwanderful Recycling

Taiwan may have an official plastic recycling rate of 73%, but in reality, too much trash still makes its way into either incinerators or our environment.
That's why VIS faculty and family participated in a beach cleanup organized by @Taiwanderfulrecycling and the Taitung City Government. Collected plastic is cleaned and sorted to make DIY products to benefit local communities and other organizations. Say no to waste on our beaches!

Can you believe this skateboard is made out of recycled chopsticks?

VIS visited Taiwanderful to understand how waste plastic can be sorted and shredded to make all kinds of materials to benefit the community. From 3D printing a surfboard to building local infrastructure with ecobricks... The possibilities to create with waste are endless!



2015年聯合國發布《翻轉我們的世界:2030 年永續發展方針》 (Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development),公布17項2030年永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)、169細項目標(targets),從「經濟成長」、「社會進步」、「環境保護」三個永續發展面向,指出全球面臨共同的問題,呼籲全球合作實踐未來永續發展的目標。 VIS國際實驗高中 的課程設計、活動規劃及學生社團皆以聯合國永續發展目標SDGs為中心,期待同學從己身出發理解認識,並進一步採取行動,促使社會深層結構的轉變。

因此,VIS國際學校的教師們及其家人,本月份參與了由Taiwanderful Recycle Co台灣得福回收組織,以及臺東市政府共同規劃的淨灘活動。



這次VIS國際學校的老師們拜訪了位於台東的Taiwanderful Recycle Co“台灣得福”,並了解塑膠垃圾如何被有效分類、切碎再製成各種對社群有益的產品。從3D列印製作衝浪板,到使用環保磚搭建在地基礎設施⋯⋯利用廢棄物再生真的有無限的可能性


#SDGs #聯合國永續發展目標 #VIS#國際實驗教 #臺東海岸線富山##利用廢棄物再生真的有無限的可能性
