Study Abroad Seminar
Mini College Fair

The 6th floor was buzzing with excitement as VIS students got to meet and chat with Admissions Officers from US Universities. The representatives from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Rutgers University, and the University of Colorado-Boulder paid a visit to VIS on their Asia tour to Taiwan and Korea.

The mini-college fair was a perfect opportunity for students to ask the representatives questions and learn about their unique school culture. All three schools are large research-oriented institutions, yet their locations really differentiate them.

The visitors thought that the VIS students asked very informed questions; they also loved checking out the student-made tools at our Makerspace!

Match the Fun Fact to one of the three universities.

Fact 1 : It's the only university in the United States that is a colonial college, a land-grant institution, and a national public research university.

Fact 2 :  One in every 790 living Americans has at least one degree from this university.

Fact 3 : Its mascot is a bison.

這次的 小型大學博覽會 中,威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校、羅格斯大學、科羅拉多大學波德分校 皆派招生代表前來與VIS學生們進行交流。這三所大學都是大型的 研究導向型學府,VIS學生們也可以利用這次絕佳的機會多了解這三所學校獨特的校園文化。


大家一起來連連看!! 這三所大學各有其特色,試試看將下列敘述與今日來訪的大學進行配對。


