Student Spotlight
TCMUN 2023


VIS G11同學 陳宏騰Jerry & G10同學 林侑恆Haley 參加由成功高中舉辦的 台灣首府模擬TCMUN 2023,榮獲Best Delegate獎項。

臺灣首府模擬聯合國Taiwan Capital Model United Nations (TCMUN) 成立最主要的目的是喚起大家對全球性重要議題的關注,並激發更多有建設性的討論,同時培養學生 批判思考與辯證的能力。


Receiving the best delegate award is a surprise as it is my first MUN in a long time. During the conference, we explored different EU countries’ stances on energy governance and how things can be changed. It is a good way for students to have an in-depth understanding of an important social issue.