Dear Esteemed Guest,
On behalf of the VIS community, it is our pleasure to invite you to our culminating PBL exhibition taking place at the end of May.
The exhibition will be held on May 26th and 27th at Huashan 1914 Creative Park. Come learn about engineering science through our hydroponic systems; stroll down the gallery hall of our yearbook designs; be delighted by the interesting chemistry behind cooking; enjoy exploring student life through the lens of media and psychology at our mini film festival; and engage meaningfully with our student-run media production company - VIS Radio.
We hope you will join us for this special occasion to witness first-hand the incredible learning journey that we have embarked on this year. We look forward to seeing you at the exhibition, and celebrating the end of a successful year.
Warm Regards,
VIS@betterworld lab Experimental Education Institute
誠摯邀請您參加VIS 2023 PBL(Project-Based Learning)成果展。本次將展現這一年來全校師生致力進行PBL專案的成果。
PBL成果展 將於 5月26日和27日 在 華山1914文創園區舉行。
(5)VIS Radio
臺北市VIS國際實驗教育 敬邀