❃ 恭喜國中部 G7 張恩瑜 Audree 同學!❃
・2023 第一次和豐盃全國兒童少年擊劍積分賽/U15女子銳劍/第一名
・112年 第一次女子銳劍/第二名
Audree's feedback
Gold medal:
My first gold medal! This was a extremely hard bout because of how tired I was. My hand was numb and I couldn’t feel anything when I was fencing the finals. I was going to give up, then I remembered that I came all this way. I won with the bout ending with a 15:14. I couldn’t believe it at first, but then reality hits me and I started crying. I’ve worked so hard for this gold medal. The feeling of when you won your last bout and getting a gold medal is something nobody can describe.
Silver medal:
At first I was really nervous because a lot of my opponents are so much older than me and I can consider myself as the youngest one. I didn’t even think that I was going to make it to the elimination rounds but I did. And as I got into top 16, I didn’t even care about winning or losing anymore. As long as I did my best and use the techniques that I’ve practiced, then I’m going to be fine. I was already super tired as I got into top 8 but at the same time I couldn’t believe it. It no longer felt like a competition. I didn’t even notice the fact that I made it into the finals, I just kept on fencing and winning bouts like passing levels of a game. In the end I was too tired and my hand felt numb, so I didn’t get a gold medal. I made my coach and parents proud, but most importantly, I made myself proud and broke my own record of my own confidence. This tournament, I tried so hard to have confidence and faith in myself. So this proves one thing for my future tournaments, if you think you will win and have strong determination, there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t achieve it.
非常榮幸地向 VIS 出色的學生 張恩瑜 Audree 同學表示祝賀,恭喜她在擊劍比賽中取得的卓越的成績,也非常高興同學能夠取得學校的獎學金,支持她在所愛的興趣上繼續邁進!
再次恭喜 G7 張恩瑜 Audree 同學。