Edinburgh University's distinguished alumna, Janet, from the Psychology Department, will be hosting a study abroad sharing session at VIS!
The event will take place on July 14th (Fri) at 14:00, located on the 3rd floor of VIS.
This sharing session is open to all individuals interested in studying abroad, and everyone is welcome to attend.
Alumni Study Abroad Seminar: Janet Tsaur
- Applying to UK universities
- High school course selection advice
- University course selection advice for psychology
- Life in Edinburgh
This sharing session will provide valuable information and advice for students interested in studying abroad.
Whether you have an interest in studying abroad or psychology, don't miss out on this opportunity!
愛丁堡大學心理學系優秀校友 曹哲寧 Janet 將在 VIS 舉辦一場留學分享講座!
時間是 7/14 (五) 14:00,地點位於VIS 3F。