歐洲教育旅行 VIS 受邀出席奧地利國慶酒會


Ambassador Xiao-Yue Chang expressed gratitude for the support of Taiwan from various sectors and called for support for Taiwan's participation in international organizations. In celebration of the 112th NationalDay of the Republic of China (Taiwan), the Representative Office in Austria hosted a National Day Reception at the Grand Hotel in Vienna on October 5th. The event was attended by approximately 300 guests, including Austrian parliament members, government officials, diplomatic corps, international organization representatives, media, think tank experts, scholars, overseas Taiwanese community leaders, and prominent figures from various fields. Among the attendees were Chairman Werner Amon of the Austria-Taiwan Friendship Association, several Austrian parliament members, diplomats, and foreign diplomats from countries such as Guatemala, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, and other European and American nations.

VIS was fortunate to participate in this grand and solemn National Day Reception. Our students actively seized the opportunity to engage with officials present, gaining a deeper understanding of the current international situation and the values Taiwan represents on a global scale. They truly embodied the spirit of VIS students and effectively conveyed our message to the international community.

Taiwan in Österreich 駐奧地利代表處 辦理國慶酒會-張小月大使感謝各界對台灣的聲援,並呼籲支持台灣參與國際組織

為慶祝中華民國(台灣)112年雙十國慶,駐奧地利代表處於10月5日在維也納Grand Hotel舉辦國慶酒會。多位奧國國會議員、政府高階官員、使節團團長與成員、國際組織官員,以及媒體、智庫、學者、僑界及各界重要政要友人等約三百人踴躍參加,包括奧台協會主席Werner Amon、多位奧地利國會議員、使節團、瓜地馬拉、捷克、立陶宛、歐美日等國外交人員與國際組織官員等。

VIS 有幸參與了這場盛大而隆重的國慶酒會。學生們都積極抓住機會,主動與現場的官員交流,深入了解當前的國際局勢,以及台灣在全球中所代表的價值觀。他們充分展現了 VIS 學子的精神,向國際友人傳遞了自由民主台灣的訊息。

#Taiwan #NationalDay #Diplomacy #internationalrelations