歐洲教育旅行 Albert Lin 心得分享


感謝 10年級 林宸勤 Albert 同學分享 #歐洲教育旅行 心得!

A week ago, I, along with 15 other VIS students, went on a school trip to Vienna and Berlin. During those times in Vienna, we visited a school, interviewed AmbassadorChang, went to the NationalDayReception, and got a tour of the parliament, among other engaging experiences. From all these events we learned a lot through chatting with students from a local school and officials we met in the National Day Reception. Despite the country’s land being connected, they have distinct attitudes and perspectives. At the National Day Reception, a resident shared his observation of Austrians being rather humorous and Germans having a polite and serious demeanor.

The experience in Berlin, for me, is enjoyable in a different way. It is not as fun of an experience as it was in Vienna but it has a rich and intriguing history. We went to an underground bunker and got a tour of how people used to sneak through the Berlin Wall that separated thousands of families and couples between the West and East sides of Germany. All these experiences are precious. I love Vienna’s welcoming and boundless lifestyle and admire Germany’s efficiency and rigor. It is really nice to have a time in a year where you put everything in the back of your head to travel and explore other parts of the world.

By G10 Albert Lin,10年級 林宸勤 Albert 同學

#SchoolTrip #InternationalExperience #StudentTravel #CulturalExchange #HistoricBerlin #LearningAbroad #NewPerspectives #DiscoveringCulture #EducationalJourney #GlobalAwareness #VIS #歐洲教育旅行 Taiwan in Österreich 駐奧地利代表處