Guest Speaker
The business studies program was pleased to have Serim Kim from AiQ as a guest speaker

The business studies program was pleased to have Serim Kim from AiQ as a guest speaker on October 17. Ms. Kim went through the process of starting a business and working with the SouthKorean government to solve problems related to the illegal import of goods through airports.

Students were guided through how early ventures are created and how to establish minimum viable products (MvPs). It was a great opportunity for our students to learn how to recognize problems, brainstorm viable solutions, and prepare for the challenges that entrepreneurs face in the business world.

We would like to thank Ms. Kim for her visit, her valuable insights, and welcome her to the VIS family!

Business Class 很高興於10月17日邀請到 AiQ 的 Serim Kim 擔任演講者。Kim分享了身為一位大學生如何創立一家新創企業以及與 韓國政府 合作解決非法透過機場進口貨物相關問題的過程。

學生們獲得指導,了解新創 企業 是如何建立以及如何建立最小可行產品(MvPs)。這是一個絕佳的機會,讓VIS的學生學習如何識別問題、構思可行的解決方案,並為 企業界 的 創業家 面臨的挑戰做好準備。
