How It Happens
CRISPR Technology: Shaping the Future of Medical Research

【VIS Honors Program Mini Conference】

G11 Chloe Liu 劉家穎 分享報告介紹:

CRISPR Technology: Shaping the Future of Medical Research

The fruit fly species Drosophila Melanogaster has long been established as a model organism for biomedical science studies due to its fast generation time, small size, and genetic similarities to humans. In particular, gene knockouts in Drosophila have provided valuable insights into human disease mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets.

In this research project, I investigated three samples - elo68a, elo68b, and CG31522 - which were each mutated through gene knockouts, but did not exhibit a dominant trait. By analyzing the sequence of each gene, we were able to identify the specific segments of deletions for each sample.

This research contributes to our understanding of the genetic basis of complex traits and highlights the potential of Drosophila as a powerful tool for genetic studies.

NYU紐約大學阿布達比校區 李瑞中 教授

VIS國際實驗教育 首席顧問

VIS Honors Program 指導教授

VIS致力於以創新教學培養未來世界領袖,從成立第一年便與李教授合作「深度閱讀與討論」課程。上學年起,由李教授規劃帶領VIS「Honors Program」成果豐碩斐然!

李瑞中教授 親自指導的VIS Honors Program的學生們將於2023年3月18日(週六),在VIS為大家展示這學期的研究發表,並介紹VIS Honors Program的沿革與展望,誠摯邀請您蒞臨指導。

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