How It Happens
Economic Development and Income Inequality Around the Globe

【VIS Honors Program Mini Conference】

G10 Leyoung Lau 羅樂仰 分享報告介紹:

Economic Development and Income Inequality Around the Globe

Economic development has often been associated with a rise in income inequality, a phenomenon that can have significant social and political implications. The Kuznets curve, named after economist Simon Kuznets, suggests that income inequality initially increases as a country develops, but then begins to decline once it reaches a certain level of economic development.

A kuznets curve will be constructed for over 60 countries, grouping them by common features, and analyzing the significant commonalities within groups. Through this analysis, we can gain a better understanding of how economic development affects income inequality and the potential policy implications of this relationship.

前 NYU紐約大學阿布達比校區 李瑞中 教授

VIS國際實驗教育 首席顧問

VIS Honors Program 指導教授

VIS致力於以創新教學培養未來世界領袖,從成立第一年便與李教授合作「深度閱讀與討論」課程。上學年起,由李教授規劃帶領VIS「Honors Program」成果豐碩斐然!

由 李瑞中教授 親自指導的VIS Honors Program的學生們將於2023年3月18日(週六),在VIS為大家展示這學期的研究發表,並介紹VIS Honors Program的沿革與展望,誠摯邀請您蒞臨指導。

Honors Program同學們在 大學教授 指導下,在校內及 各大學實驗室 進行 專題研究,同時閱讀經典著作,領域橫跨分子生物學、醫學工程、經濟、歷史、哲學和國際關係等。

歡迎所有對VIS Honors Program感興趣的校內外同學與家長報名參加!

