How It Happens
Are Decisions Dichotomous? A Review of Norman Y. Teng’s Civil Philosophy

【VIS Honors Program Mini Conference】

G11 Jerry Chen 陳宏騰 同學分享:
Are Decisions Dichotomous? A Review of Norman Y. Teng’s Civil Philosophy

Amidst the tumultuous clash of opposing viewpoints, what course of action should one take? Should we stand in the middle, or pick a side? Norman Y Teng 鄧育仁 posits that in our dynamic society, it is not about defeating the other side but rather about listening, reconciling, and finding a solution that satisfies all parties. Teng's latest literary offering is a groundbreaking attempt to fuse Western philosophical ideas, including those of George Lakoff, Joshua Greene, John Rawls, and Ronald Dworkin, with the wisdom of Chinese schools of thought such as Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. His book comprises six insightful chapters, with the first three examining how to identify the dynamic problem, and the final three offering Teng's innovative solution to resolve it.

How I Want to Learn: Milton Friedmen’s “The Role of Government in Education”

In the realm of education, Milton Friedman's treatise on "The Role of Government in Education" remains a seminal work that sheds light on the current limitations of the system, particularly in the United States. A renowned economist, Friedman advocated for a minimalistic role of the government in education, emphasizing the need for parents to have greater control over their children's learning. This approach, according to Friedman, would mitigate the inefficiencies and bureaucratic tendencies that have plagued public schools in the United States. Therefore, a careful examination of Friedman's ideas could prove beneficial in shaping future education policies.

前 NYU紐約大學阿布達比校區 李瑞中 教授

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由 李瑞中教授 親自指導的VIS Honors Program的學生們將於2023年3月18日(週六),在VIS為大家展示這學期的研究發表,並介紹VIS Honors Program的沿革與展望,誠摯邀請您蒞臨指導。

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