2024 Graduation Prom



Last night's Graduation Prom concluded magnificently! Everyone's beauty and charm were truly enviabLast night's Graduation Prom concluded magnificently! Everyone's beauty and charm were truly enviab#visle.

Special thanks to all the teachers and #StudentCouncilMembers who worked hard to organize this prom. Without you, this perfect event would not have been possible.

Once again, congratulations to all the graduates. We wish you #AllTheBest and #BrightFutures!

昨晚的 Graduation Prom 華麗結束啦!羨慕大家的顏值技能點滿了。

特別感謝所有辛苦籌備這次舞會的老師和 #學生會成員,沒有你們,就不會有這麼完美的晚會。

再次祝福所有的畢業生們,願你們未來 #一切順利, #前程似錦!

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