2024 Mini Conference 學術研討會

#MiniConference #Part1 #HonorsProgram #VIS

#學術研討會 #研究

Led by Professor Li and Professor Tsai, the Honors Program held a Mini Conference yesterday, presenting the academic research results of this semester. The research spanned various fields including #Psychology, #Sociology, #PublicPolicy, #Economics, #InternationalRelations, #Astrophysics, #Music, and #GenderStudies. We believe that everyone who participated gained a lot from the experience.

Each student showcased their in-depth research and discoveries in their respective fields. The #conference was filled with academic exchanges and interactions, with students not only presenting their research findings but also engaging in lively discussions and interactions.

Thank you once again to everyone, and we look forward to seeing you at the next academic conference!

由李教授及蔡教授所帶領的 Honors Program,在昨日舉行了 Mini Conference,呈現了本學期的 #學術研究結果。研究領域橫跨 #心理學、 #社會學、 #公共政策、 #經濟學、 #國際關係、 #天體物理學、 #音樂、 #性別研究,相信有來參與的大家,收穫滿滿。

每一位同學都展示了他們在各自領域的深入研究和發現,研討會上充滿了學術的交流與碰撞,同學們不僅展示了自己的研究成果,同時還進行了 #熱烈的討論和互動。
