Evidence of Success
Congratulations to Ryan Tuan!

We are excited to announce that Ryan Tuan, a Grade 12 student at our Canadian partner school CIC, has been accepted into two prestigious universities!

University of Sydney – Bachelor of Arts (#18 in QS World University Rankings 2025)
Monash University – Bachelor of Arts (#37 globally)

The University of Sydney, Australia’s oldest and most prestigious university, is a proud member of the Group of Eight (G8) and consistently ranks among the world’s best. Known for its academic excellence, interdisciplinary research, and strong global connections, Sydney offers unparalleled opportunities in the humanities and social sciences. Its alumni network includes eight Australian Prime Ministers, five Nobel Laureates, and leaders across various industries.

The Monash University, another elite Group of Eight (G8) member, is Australia’s largest university and is recognized globally for its impact-driven research and strong industry partnerships. With a presence in four continents, including campuses in Malaysia and collaborations with leading institutions worldwide, Monash offers its students a truly international education. The university is particularly renowned for its top-ranked arts and humanities programs, fostering critical thinking and creativity.

Ryan’s acceptance into these world-renowned institutions is a testament to his dedication and outstanding academic achievements. We are incredibly proud of his success and can’t wait to see where his journey takes him next!

恭喜我們的夥伴學校 12 年級學生 Ryan Tuan 成功錄取 QS 世界排名第 18 的雪梨大學(University of Sydney)與排名第 37 的蒙納許大學(Monash University),未來將攻讀文學學士(B.A.)!

雪梨大學 University of Sydney
創立於 1850 年,是澳洲歷史最悠久的權威大學,為 #澳洲八大(Group of Eight, G8) 成員,長年穩居 #世界頂尖大學 之列。該校以卓越的學術聲譽、跨領域研究與 #全球合作 著稱,特別是人文與社會科學領域。雪梨大學人才輩出,校友陣容堅強、遍佈全球,包括 8 位 #澳洲總理、5 位 #諾貝爾獎得主 及眾多政商界領袖。

蒙納許大學 Monash University
同為 G8 頂尖學府之一,蒙納許大學不僅是澳洲規模最大的高等學府,也在全球擁有極高的 #學術聲譽。該校的實務導向研究與產業界的緊密合作名聞遐邇,在全球四大洲設皆有據點,其中包括馬來西亞校區,提供 #國際化 的學習體驗。蒙納許大學作育英才,人文與藝術領域名揚四海,並專注培養學生的批判思考與創造力。

Ryan 憑藉卓越的學術表現與堅持不懈的努力,獲得這些世界頂尖學府的青睞! 我們為他的成就感到無比驕傲,並期待他在未來的學術旅程中持續發光發熱!