
We are thrilled to announce that York Chen, a Grade 12 student at our Canadian partner school CIC, has received multiple offers from top universities worldwide!
University of Sydney – Bachelor of Arts
Monash University – Bachelor of Arts
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) – Bachelor of Arts
University of Southampton – Fashion Marketing with Management
University of Birmingham – Business Management with Marketing
University of Leeds – Fashion Marketing
The University of Sydney, ranked #18 globally, is Australia's oldest and most prestigious university. A founding member of the Group of Eight (G8), it is recognized for its excellence in humanities, business, and research. With a distinguished alumni network that includes Nobel laureates, industry leaders, and political figures, Sydney offers an unparalleled academic experience.
Monash University, ranked #37 globally, is another G8 institution known for its world-class education and strong industry connections. With a reputation for innovation and global engagement, Monash provides students with cutting-edge research opportunities and international collaborations.
The University of Southampton, University of Birmingham, and University of Leeds are all highly regarded institutions in the UK, excelling in business, marketing, and creative industries. Southampton and Leeds are recognized for their leading fashion marketing programs, while Birmingham’s business school ranks among the best in the country.
Meanwhile, RMIT, ranked #12 globally for Art & Design (QS 2024), is an internationally respected university known for its focus on creativity, design, and industry-driven education.
York’s outstanding university offers reflect his dedication and passion for the arts, business, and marketing. His achievements are a testament to his hard work, and we are incredibly proud of his success. We can't wait to see him thrive in his next chapter!
賀! 恭喜在加拿大夥伴學校 CIC 就讀的 12 年級學生 York Chen 獲得多所世界頂尖大學錄取通知,其中包括 QS 全球排名第 18 的雪梨大學 (University of Sydney)、排名第 37 的蒙納許大學 (Monash University) 以及皇家墨爾本理工大學 (RMIT),皆錄取文學學士 (B.A.)。排名前 100 的南安普敦大學 (University of Southampton) 時尚行銷與管理、伯明罕大學 (University of Birmingham) 商業管理與行銷以及里茲大學 (University of Leeds) 時尚行銷。這些學校作育英才、桃李滿天下,在人文藝術、行銷及商業管理領域擁有世界級的學術聲譽,培養出無數專業人才。恭喜 York 圓夢成真,朝著自己的目標前進!
澳洲 Group of Eight (G8) 聯盟創始成員之一,亦是該國歷史最悠久的學府,長年獨佔鰲頭,名列全球頂尖大學,以人文、商業與研究實力見長。該校校友網絡強大,諾貝爾獎得主、業界翹楚與政壇要角等俯拾皆是,為學生提供世界級的學術資源與發展機會。
同為 G8 頂尖學府的蒙納許大學以優質學術生態、產業連結與國際化教育著稱。該校鼓勵創新思維,提供豐富的研究機會與跨國合作,培養學生成為全球化時代的領袖人才。
RMIT 的藝術與設計學科位列全球第 18,並致力結合學術與實務,為學生提供前瞻性的產業實習與國際交流機會,是藝術與設計領域的佼佼者。
全球排名第 80,在商業、藝術與行銷領域的卓越表現名揚四海。其時尚行銷與管理課程融合創意與商業策略,強調數位創新、品牌經營與永續時尚,為學生打造通往全球時尚產業的領導職涯之路。
位居全球第 80 的伯明罕大學為英國頂尖的 Russell Group 成員,相當於英國的 Ivy League。該校的商業管理與行銷課程結合業界實務經驗與最新行銷策略,讓學生有機會與國際企業領袖交流、獲得專業指導與實習機會,奠定商業策略、消費者行為與品牌管理的堅實基礎。
York 能錄取這些世界級學府的錄取充分展現他對藝術、商業與行銷的熱忱與卓越實力。他的傑出表現是努力與才華的最佳證明,我們為他的成功深感驕傲,並期待他在未來學術與職業生涯中持續發光發熱!