Evidence of Success
Congratulations to Adam Cho!

Congratulations to Adam, a Grade 12 student at our Canadian partner school CIC, for receiving multiple offers from prestigious universities worldwide!
His offers include:

University of Technology Sydney (UTS) – Bachelor of Information Technology (#1 Young University in Australia, QS Top 50 Under 50)

- Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) – Bachelor of Computer Science (#123 globally for Computer Science, QS Rankings 2025)
- University of South Australia – Bachelor of Information Technology
- Queensland University of Technology (QUT) – Bachelor of Information Technology
- Curtin University – Bachelor of Computing (Software Engineering)
Among these, RMIT University and UTS stand out as world-class institutions shaping the future of technology and innovation.

University of Technology Sydney (UTS) is ranked #88 in the QS World University Rankings 2025, solidifying its position as one of Australia's top institutions. UTS is renowned for its cutting-edge research, strong industry collaborations, and innovative learning approach. With partnerships with global tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and Atlassian, UTS ensures students gain hands-on experience, equipping them with the skills to excel in the fast-evolving tech industry.

RMIT University, based in Melbourne, is globally recognized for its excellence in technology and innovation. Ranked #150 in the world for Computer Science (QS 2024), RMIT provides a strong industry-focused education, with collaborations with IBM, Amazon Web Services, and Telstra, ensuring students receive real-world training in areas like AI, software development, and cybersecurity.

Adam’s multiple offers reflect his outstanding dedication and passion for technology. We are incredibly proud of his achievements and look forward to his future success! 

我們誠摯恭喜在加拿大夥伴學校 CIC 就讀的 12 年級學生 Adam 錄取多家世界頂尖大學,包括被譽為澳洲最佳年輕大學、QS 世界排名前 100 的雪梨科技大學 (University of Technology Sydney)、南澳大學 (University of South Australia)、排名前 250 的昆士蘭科技大學 (QUT)、科廷大學 (Curtin University)、皇家墨爾本理工大學 (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, RMIT)。

在科技與創新領域,UTS 和 RMIT 在這些學校中脫穎而出,並持續以卓越實力推動產業發展。

雪梨科技大學 (UTS) 在 QS 世界大學排名中位居全球第 88 名,穩居澳洲頂尖學府之列。學校以前沿研究、產學合作與創新教學聞名,並與 Google、Microsoft、Atlassian 等國際科技巨頭合作,提供學生實作機會,培養在瞬息萬變的科技產業中脫穎而出的能力。

位於墨爾本的皇家墨爾本理工大學 (RMIT) 今年擠身全球前 130,在科技與創新領域享有盛譽。該校強調業界導向的教學模式,同時與 IBM、Amazon Web Services、Telstra 等企業合作,讓學生在人工智慧、軟體開發和資安領域累積實戰經驗。

Adam 憑藉對科技領域的熱忱與努力,獲得多所名校青睞。我們為他的傑出成就感到無比驕傲,並期待他在未來的學術與職涯道路上發光發熱!