Evidence of Success
Congratulations to Haley Lin!

We are thrilled to share an exciting update with everyone—our Grade 12 student, Haley Lin, has been admitted to the prestigious Williams College in the United States! Recognized globally as an elite institution, Williams College has consistently ranked as the #1 Liberal Arts College in the USA for 26 years long.

The excellence of Williams College lies not only in its rigorous academic programs and highly personalized small-class teaching but also in its unparalleled alumni network. This renowned institution has produced numerous distinguished alumni.

This extensive and powerful alumni network provides Williams students and graduates with endless opportunities. Joining such an esteemed institution not only signifies exceptional education but also represents the chance to walk alongside global leaders and unlock a future filled with infinite possibilities!

Once again, let us congratulate Haley on this remarkable achievement. VIS is honored to share this proud moment with him.

非常高興與大家分享好消息—— G12 同學Haley Lin 成功申請進入美國頂尖名校 Williams College!這所學校不僅是全球公認的菁英學府,更連續多年位居 #全美文理學院排名第一 。

Williams College 的卓越之處,不僅在於其嚴謹的學術課程和高度個性化的小班教學,還體現在它擁有 #無與倫比的校友資源網絡。這所名校孕育了無數傑出校友包括:
美國總統、9位普利策獎得主、2名諾貝爾獎得主、71名美國國會議員、多位奧斯卡、艾美、托尼及格萊美獎得主、以及在科技、商業與公共服務領域中的頂尖領導者,包括 最高法院副大法官、財富500強企業創始人 及 全球知名政治領袖等。

如此豐富而強大的校友網絡,為 Williams 的學生與畢業生帶來無限可能。加入這樣一所名校,不僅意味著卓越的教育,還代表著與全球領導者同行,開啟無限的未來!

讓我們再次恭喜 Haley同學,VIS很榮幸與Haley一起分享這份榮耀!